Ocean Research
By Rodrigo Duran

Kinematics and Dynamics of a Poleward Undercurrent
A purposely calibrated ocean model is analyzed to firstly characterize poleward flow over the slope in an eastern boundary, and then determine the momentum and vorticity balances sustaining it—an epitome of my doctoral research.
Lagrangian Climatologies
A relatively simple approach capitalizing on recent developments in the field of nonlinear dynamics successfully extracts persistent structures describing prominent Lagrangian transport patterns, efficiently synthesizing Lagrangian information from large amounts of Eulerian data.

On my work developing an open-source blowout and oil-spill model for the
U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory.

Lagrangian Methods
A collection of the methods that I have used or helped develop, to study fluid mechanics while following the motion of fluid parcels.