Peer-reviewed publications and book chapters

  1. Kunz, L., A. Griesel, C. Eden, R. Duran, & B. Sainte-Rose (2024). Transient Attracting Profiles in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Ocean Science 20, 1611–1630.
  2. Pfander, I., L. Romeo, R. Duran, A. Dyer, C. Schooley, M. Wenzlick, P. Wingo, D. Zaengle, J. Bauer (2024). Extensive Pipeline Location Data Resource: Integrating Reported Incidents, Past Environmental Loadings, and Potential Geohazards for Integrity Evaluations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
  3. Dyer A.S., M. Mark-Moser, R. Duran, J. R. Bauer (2024). Offshore application of landslide susceptibility mapping using gradient-boosted decision trees: a Gulf of Mexico case study. Natural Hazards.
  4. López-Aviles B., E. Beier, R. Duran, J. Gómez-Valdés, R. Castro, L. Sánchez-Velasco (2024). The California Current System off Baja California Sur. Progress in Oceanography.
  5. Allende-Arandía, M. E., R. Duran, L. Sanvicente-Añorve and C. M. Appendini (2023). Lagrangian characterization of surface transport from the Equatorial Atlantic to the Caribbean Sea using climatological Lagrangian Coherent Structures and Self-Organizing Maps.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2023JC019894, DOI: 10.1029/2023JC019894. Download.
  6. Zhen, P., D. Guo, G. Krokos, J. Dong, R. Duran, I. Hoteit (2022). Submesoscale Processes in the Upper Red Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research.
  7. Dyer, A., D. Zaengle, J. Nelson, R. Duran, M.Wenzlick, P.Wingo, J. Bauer, K. Rose and L. Romeo (2022). Applied Machine Learning Model Comparison: Predicting Offshore Infrastructure Integrity with Gradient Boosting Algorithms and Neural Networks. Marine Structures, 83, 103152.
  8. Nelson, J., L. Romeo and R. Duran (2021). Exploring the Spatial Variations of Stressors Impacting Platform Removal in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 1223.
  9. Kurczyn, J. A., R. Duran, E. Beier, and A. J. Souza (2021). On the advection of upwelled water on the western Yucatan Shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:723452.
  10. Duran, R., T. Nordam, M. Serra, C. Barker (2021). Horizontal transport in oil-spill modeling. Book chapter in Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessments, pp. 59–96, Elsevier. and 9.00004-1
  11. Nordam T., J. Skancke, R. Duran, C. Barker (2021). Vertical mixing in oil spill modeling. Book chapter in Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessments, pp. 97–143, Elsevier. and
  12. Gouveia, M. B., R. Duran, J. A. Lorenzzetti, A. T. Assireu, R. Toste, L. P. de F. Assad and D. F. M. Gherardi (2021). Persistent meanders and eddies lead to quasi-steady Lagrangian transport patterns in a weak western boundary current. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 497.
  13. Nordam, T. & R. Duran (2020). Numerical integrators for Lagrangian oceanography. Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 5935–5957.
  14. Zhang, R., P. Wingo, R. Duran, K. Rose, J. Bauer, R. Ghanem (2020). Environmental Economics and Uncertainty: Review and a Machine Learning Outlook. Oxford Encyclopedia of Environmental Economics.
  15. Gough M. K., F. J. Beron-Vera, M. J. Olascoaga, J. Sheinbaum, J. Jouenno, R. Duran (2019). Persistent Lagrangian transport patterns in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49, 353–367,
  16. Duran, R., F. J. Beron-Vera, M. J. Olascoaga (2018). Extracting quasi-steady Lagrangian transport patterns from the ocean circulation: An application to the Gulf of Mexico. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5218.
  17. Duran, R., L. Romeo, J. Whiting, J. Vielma, K. Rose, A. Bunn, J. Bauer (2018). Simulation of the 2003 Foss Barge – Point Wells Oil Spill: A Comparison between BLOSOM and GNOME oil-spill models. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 6(3), 104;

Manuscripts under review

  1. Quintana-Barranco, R., M.E. Allende-Arandía, R. Duran & C. M. Appendini (2024). Improving Lagrangian particle transport modeling using Objective Eulerian Coherent Structures. ESSOAR
  2. Appendini C. M., P. Ruiz-Salcines and R. Duran. Tropical Cyclone Wind Waves in the Gulf of Mexico under a Changing Climate (pre-print, 2022).

Manuscripts in preparation 

  1. Duran, R. & R. M. Samelson (in preparation). Eulerian and Lagrangian kinematics of a model eastern-boundary poleward undercurrent. A preliminary draft can be found in chapter two of my dissertation: thesis or dissertations/cj82kf17c
  2. Duran, R. & R. M. Samelson (in preparation). Dynamical and vorticity balances of a model eastern-boundary poleward undercurrent. A preliminary draft can be found in chapter three of my dissertation: thesis or dissertations/cj82kf17c

Published technical reports

  1. Nelson J., A. Dyer, L. Romeo, M. Wenzlick, D. Zaengle, R. Duran, M. Sabbatino, P. Wingo, A. Barkhurst, K. Rose, J. Bauer. (2021). Evaluating Offshore Infrastructure Integrity. DOE/NETL-2021/2643; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Albany, OR.
  2. G.T. Bonheyo, K. Rose, A. Bunn, A. Avila, T. Bays, V. Cullinan, R. Duran, R. Jeters, L-J. Kuo, J. Park, J. Vielma, E. Winder, P. Wingo (2017). Analysis Of How Environmental Conditions Affect Dispersant Performance During Deep Ocean Application. PNNL-26935. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Washington, DC. p 173.
  3. Duran, R. (2016). Sub-Grid Parameterizations for Oceanic Oil-Spill Simulations. NETL-TRS-9-2016; EPAct Technical Report Series. U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Albany, OR; p 36.
  4. Sim, L., J. Graham, K. Rose, R. Duran, J. Nelson, J. Umhoefer, and J. Vielma (2015). Developing a Comprehensive Deepwater Blowout and Spill Model. NETL-TRS-9-2015; EPAct Technical Report Series. U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Albany, OR, 2015; p 44.

Software and datasets

  1. Schooley C., L. Romeo, D. Zaengle, I. Pfander, R. Duran, J. Bauer, K. Rose, (2024). Advanced Infrastructure Integrity Modeling (AIIM) Dashboard,
  2. Pfander, I., L. Romeo, R. Duran, A. Dyer, C. Schooley, M. Wenzlick, P. Wingo, D. Zaengle, J. Bauer (2024). Extensive Pipeline Location Data Resource: Integrating Reported Incidents, Past Environmental Loadings, and Potential Geohazards for Integrity Evaluations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (2024). Direct link to data:
  3. Wingo P., D. Zaengle, R. Duran, M. Mark-Moser, J. Bauer, J. Harris, I. Pfander, M. Gao, S. Pantaleone, K. Rose, A. Dyer, (2023). Ocean & Geohazard Analysis (OGA) Tool., DOI: 10.18141/1963841
  4. Montaño Orozco, M. M., & R. Duran (2024). cLCS code in Python. MireyaMMO/cLCS: v1.0.0
  5. L. Romeo, I. Pfander, R. Duran, M. Sabbatino, C. Schooley, M.Wenzlick, P.Wingo, D. Zaengle, J. Bauer (2024). U.S. Gulf of Mexico Pipeline and Reported Incident Datasets, DOI: 10.18141/2280823
  6. C. M. Appendini, R. Duran, P. Ruiz-Salcines, R. Marsooli, ASM Alauddin Al Azad (2023). Extreme waves in present and future climates using physics-based synthetic tropical cyclones in the Gulf of Mexico.
  7. Schooley, C., M. Mark-Moser, J. Bauer, R. Duran, J. Pramuk, A. Dyer, I. Pfander, P. Wingo, and D. Zaengle (2023). Gulf of Mexico Risk Analysis Database V1.0.
  8. Romeo, L., A. Dyer, M. Wenzlick, R. Duran, J. Nelson, M. Sabbatino, P. Wingo, K. Rose and J. Bauer (2021). Comprehensive Gulf of Mexico Federal Waters Platform, Incident, Metocean, and Geohazard Dataset, DOI: 10.18141/1779221
  9. Duran, R., F. J. Beron-Vera, and M. J. Olascoaga (2019). Climatological Lagrangian Coherent Structures code. DOI: 10.18141/1558781
  10. Sim, L., Vielma, J., Duran, R., Romeo, R., Wingo, P., and Rose, K. (2017). BLOwout and Spill Occurrence Model (BLOSOM). DOI: 10.18141/1420083